A Very Bunny Christmas
It’s Christmas morning and it looks like Santa left lots of presents!
MonkeyBookmark’s dad makes sure there’s nothing at the bottom of the stocking.
What a haul!
MonkeyBookmark got his favorite treat – peanut butter pretzels!
Anthony Bookmark is worn out from all the Christmas excitement!
Bunny explains (through pointing) that next move wins!
And yet, somehow… “We need to practice,” Buddy admits.
Buddy thinks this jacket must be for him. He is tall (for a bunny), after all!
Bunny thinks it must be for someone who’s not bunny-sized.
Time to read one of the new books Santa brought.
And now to snuggle up for a movie. What a great Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Christmas Eve
Holiday outfits!
Bunny has waited until the last minute to do his holiday shopping. But he spots something he likes online.
“Hey, no peeking!”
Bunny is very persuasive. They can open one present tonight – but just one!
Time to make sure the tree is just right.
And the stockings are hung with care.
And clever disguises just in case Santa catches them up too late! Hurry up, Santa!

A Visit from Bettie and Bonnie
Wake up, Bunny! The girls are coming over for a visit!
Bunny and Buddy play while waiting for the girls to arrive.
The girls are here! Big hugs hello…
The boys tickle-fight over who’s going to be chivalrous and carry the overnight bag.
The girls thought it was sweet – for the first couple minutes, at least…
…but finally decided it was just easier to carry their own luggage.
Bettie finally restores order with storytime.
Bedtime for bunnies!
But not before one last tickle-fight. Bonnie takes cover!
Look like Bettie is the first one awake. She’s a morning bunny.
Hey! This is secret GirlChat – no boyz allowed!
The boys finally got what they wanted – another epic tickle fight!
Time to finish last night’s story. It’s Bonnie’s turn to read.
And now for a 4-bunny bunny flop!
Watching the sunset is a relaxing way to end the girls’ visit.
Time for the girls to head home. And the boys have learned nothing…