Boating Season
There’s been a rumor that Bettie and Bonnie have a boat. Turns out, it’s true – mostly.
It’s true mostly, because they don’t have just one boat…
… they have a Bunny Regatta!
But the boys have a surprise. Bettie and Bonnie aren’t the only ones with a boat.
Still cloaked in secrecy, Bunny and Buddy are carefully inspecting their new boat in dry dock.
Buddy inspects the anchor while Bunny boat-boasts, “Our boat is super awesome in a lot of ways, and not just because of the anchor and the cool skull on the sides. Lots of the features we can’t even tell anyone about because they don’t have proper bunny clearance.”
“Oh hi there, didn’t notice you admiring our boat.
We’re on pretty calm seas right now, so it’s time to kick back, catch some rays and enjoy a smoothie.”
“Plush bunnies like us are natural masters of the sea, as everyone knows.
So these nautical puzzles should be easy.”
“Ahoy, Sub-Co-Captain Buddy, I think you need to wake up…”
“We’re headed right toward a whirlpool!”
Buddy expertly drops the anchor to save both bunnies and their boat from a certain whirlpooly demise. Time to head to shore…