Getting Ready for Halloween
It’s time to get ready for Halloween. FloppyBunny is a mysterious fortune teller and FloppyBuddy is a Wa-PuChaw Ninja! Buddy wants everyone to know that his ninja throwing star is not for actual throwing, because that is not the Wa-PuChaw way. The star is jus there so he can explain that point about Wa-PuChaw Ninjas.
“NinjaBuddy, I foresee copious amounts of candy in our futures…
Slightly more candy in my future, but pretty much copious candy for both of us.”
“OK, so why does everyone keep staring at my mystical headband?”
“Nothing’s wrong with your mystical headband.
You look very glamorous and beautiful, just like when Bonnie wears her mystical headband.”
“Glamorous and Beautiful, huh? EPIC TICKLE FIGHT!!”
NinjaBuddy always wins Epic Tickle Fight. Always.
“I see no headbands in my future. But my prediction of copious candy still stands.”
Time for a practice run of trick-or-treating.
“You know, Bunny, we should try other places besides doors to maximize our candy haul.”
“Trick or Treat!”
“Trick or Treat!”
“Trick or Treat!”
“Trick or Treat!”
“Trick or Treat!”
“Trick or Treat!”
“And now to tally up the loot. Buddy, look at all the candy I got!”
“I did OK, for a practice run.”
“How did you fit that much candy in your bucket?!”
“His candy bucket secrets a Wa-PuChaw Ninja never tells…”